\b0 All his life, \b \ATXul1024 \cf4 \ATXht329 Mone\cf0 \ATXht0 t\b0 \ATXul0 was fascinated by plays
of light and the way that they changed with the color of the sky and the succession of the seasons. Determined to put down on canvas what might have seemed impossible to capture, he set up his easel in the midst of nature or in front of Rouen Cathedral (
he painted thirty pictures of its west portal alone). In 1883, he went to live in a house on the right bank of the Seine, downstream from Paris, in the small village of Giverny, where he worked up until his death in 1926. He devoted his energies to repre
senting the endless nuances of his magnificent garden and of a sheet of water, composed and conceived as if they were the most exciting of models. The place has now been restored to the state it was in when Monet knew it, loved it, and rendered it immort